Corporate Governance

EUROAPI is a limited liability company organized under the laws of France. Our securities are admitted to trading on the regulated market of Euronext Paris. Besides, EUROAPI has chosen the AFEP-MEDEF corporate governance code for listed companies as its reference code.

EUROAPI is a dual structure entity with a separation of the functions of Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer; a structure which appropriately balances the powers involved and is in line with market best governance practices.

Board of directors

The main mission of the Board of Directors is to define the strategic direction of EUROAPI and to ensure implementation. It is composed of 12 members, including two employee representatives, and reflects a diversity and complementarity of experiences and skills.

  • 4 nationalities represented
  • 60% independent Board members
  • 50% women

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Specialized committees

EUROAPI's Board of Directors has set up specialized committees responsible for assisting the Board in its oversight and initiatives. The members of these committees are appointed by the Board of Directors from among the directors, according to their experience and to independence criteria.

The three committees are:

  • the Audit Committee
  • the Nomination and remuneration Committee
  • the Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) Committee
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The executive committee

The Executive Committee, led by the Chief Executive Officer, provides leadership and operational day to day management of the Company. 

The Executive Committee oversees and leads the various activities of the Group in accordance with the strategic initiatives defined by the Board of Directors. Its members lead the global functions.

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Business Ethics and Compliance

At EUROAPI, Ethics and Compliance are essential elements in ensuring that our objectives are met while respecting our Code of Ethics and any regulation applying to us.

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